'smarmimo!' in rainbow gradient text.

You've found my secret website!

This website is under construction! It is not currently mobile-friendly, but I'll work on that!

This is my home page! Just a general welcome section that tells you a bit about me. I wanna use this website as an accessible catalogue for my art outside of mainstream social media, which I don't use often. I'm bad at keeping up with all that stuff, idk how I'll fare with this but I want a website lol

To-Do List:

  • figure out what to do with misc (OC Page?)
  • make site mobile-friendly (three columns are bad for mobile, but I like the look...)
  • make graphics so the site doesnt look boring (header, containers, nav buttons, etc)
  • make interactive graphics (buttons that change color when you hover over them)
  • music player
  • make playlists for music player (all ocs need their own playlists, its mandatory)
  • make new header image
  • organize css so it isnt a complete mess
  • make favicon
  • make footer?
  • make organizer for gallery images
  • make the music player's playlist checker not make the site look weird maybe